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شهادة تتناسب مع مجال الاستشارة

لا يتم اعتماد اي مستشار من غير توفر شهاده مناسبه مع مجال الاستشارة ,حيث ان الدراسه والمعرفه من اهم معايير اختيار المستشار ,جميع المستشارين في منصتنا يتمتعون بالدراسه العلميه في مجال استشاراتهم

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Entrepreneur consulting

Get out of your comfort zone
06-09-2022 Fahd Al-Shuwish

Written by the advisor: Shawish Al-Fahd

A tempting state and an area that some people do not want to leave, a state that generates laziness and lethargy and helps one fall behind the ranks of the advanced. I will not talk about its causes, as everyone knows that the most prominent reason behind the emergence of this state is the decline of energy and the loss of the desire for influence and status, and what is worse than that is the use of vile methods. To obtain what is not right, through deception and opportunistic behavior adopted by those who neglect their religion and neglect their principles.

American writer Stephen Wright says: “There is a thin line between fishing and standing on the beach like an idiot.”

Because every goal has a tax; It is natural for aspirants to take the trouble and make an effort to get out of that circle and strive to achieve their goals, as it is not appropriate for every aspirant to remain hostage to negative thoughts and wrong convictions, most of which revolve around pessimism and melancholy.

But our main problem in dealing with this group is how to find the most appropriate method to change their convictions and ideas. You will find that they make excuses and present flimsy arguments to stand up to attempts to influence them and change their convictions. If they were satisfied with the arguments and excuses they present, the matter would be acceptable, but they go too far in Defending their beliefs by belittling the other party and mocking their ideas and beliefs.

Because societies have changed and human conditions have undergone many transformations; They have become reflective in concepts and accustomed to doing wrong, and whoever tries to act in his own and correct way will be faced with a torrent of criticism and insults, in an attempt by those negative people to integrate him into their ranks and convince him of their wrong beliefs, so that he does not have an influence on them and on others, and then they lose what they enjoy. Of undeserved gains.

A person who lives in his own way, which he believes is correct from his point of view and is the closest thing to what is right, is rarely safe from the interference of others in his life. Because this, according to their belief, will affect them, and here comes to mind the example of the distinguished, diligent student who continues to attend, participate, and works diligently in his studies until he achieves the highest grades, and then he encounters a group of failed students who try to discourage him from the path of excellence, and they go so far as to belittle him and diminish his goals. There are some among them who try to benefit from it at a time when they see them as socially inferior to them, and this is a blatant contradiction.

The failed member in every society, whether a student or someone else, is the one we are supposed to advise and try to correct his path. So that his condition in front of others does not become a natural state, and other states of excellence are merely phenomena to show off or to impress others. The basic principle in life is positivity in words and deeds, but due to the passage of time and the change of conditions, people have begun to believe in the rightness of wrongness and the wrongness of rightness, and these are among the things that It is confusing to the general public and must be corrected or reduced as much as possible.

There is no doubt that resting despite the availability of the ingredients for success is one of the issues that should be addressed most among many segments of society, and that the concepts that led to the formation and emergence of this negative state must be corrected before that, because it will undoubtedly lead to...

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The Advisor Consulting website is a website specialized in providing consultations in many fields, by specialized experts from the Arab world, to answer users’ questions and consultations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We at Al-Mustashwar have worked, since the first day of our launch, to be the first pioneering company of Arab origin and identity to innovate in the field of providing consultations in the country, and we are moving confidently towards becoming one of the leading companies in this field in the world.
This determination, and this unparalleled ambition, made us chart our path towards success, excellence, and high-level performance, which was paved with planning, scientific, practical, and high-tech experience, followed by perfect implementation and continuous follow-up.
We work ceaselessly to continuously modernize and increase the reliability of our operations and quality services, as well as the ability to develop ongoing, fruitful business relationships with our customers in all areas.

  All over the country, we focus on providing the best remote consultation service and adapting modern technologies to serve our clients

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When a handloom was placed in the home, children helped in the weaving process from an early age. Piecing takes dexterity, and a child can be just as productive as an adult. When weaving moved from home to factory, children were often allowed to help their older sisters, and laws had to be passed to prevent child labor from settling. Working conditions in cotton production were often harsh, with long hours, low wages, and dangerous machinery. Children, above all, are also vulnerable to physical abuse and are often forced to work in unsanitary conditions. It should also be noted that children working on handlooms often face extreme poverty and cannot access education. Working conditions in cotton production were often harsh, with long hours, low wages, and dangerous machinery. Children, above all, are also vulnerable to physical abuse and are often forced to work in unsanitary conditions. It is worth it

It is also noted that children who work on handlooms often face extreme poverty and cannot access education.

Today it probably makes sense to be called Mon Tapis Kherbab because we produce and offer all kinds of different decorative products, but usually when we are born, we are given a name that we usually do not change, and the same applies to our company.
Excellence, quality, is the first pillar that supports the drive to create mon tapis kherbab and is the foundation of our mission.
This company was not created just to make money, but it also had a rebellious motive, to offer the customer something that no one else had offered and no one else is offering now. The mission of mon tapis kherbab is:

Create affordable, high-quality custom decor products.


Quality is in the DNA of our name, it comes from our factory. It was easy to make products with closed and specific references, designs and sizes in countries that we all know are known for low prices but also for poor quality. We decided to establish our manufacturing center near Istanbul. To allow us to have a higher level of control and flexibility when working with custom products and working with high quality, European certified materials.




When we say that our products are economical, this is not in a pejorative sense, this is in contrast to our high quality levels. Mon Tapis Kherbab bet on complementary decorative products that can have close prices.
As an example to understand where we are coming from, when someone chooses an outfit to wear to a wedding, it is usually based on the accessories they have chosen for it to stand out more or less.
Mon Tapis Kherbab works with these products that complement the main outfit. They are not as expensive as a dresser or table but they tend to define the spirit of the home. We can't explain how proud we are to think of one of our vinyl, rug or canvas prints being part of some of your best family moments for years to come!





Snowy Mountain

A website design company for programming and digital marketing

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Courbure du bois

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15 years of experience in the field of Turk Arab Europe


Our consultants have the highest level of competence and experience, as we accredit our consultants with at least five years of experience working in the field of consulting in order to ensure the provision of the strongest service in the field of consulting.

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Consultations en décoration et ameublement d'intérieur
Nous nous engageons à fournir le plus haut niveau de normes professionnelles et à fournir les services de conseil les plus professionnels en matière de services professionnels de design résidentiel, commercial, industriel, hôtelier et de design d'intérieur.
Nous avons des experts qui fournissent des consultations en design d'intérieur bien conçus pour des projets résidentiels et commerciaux, car nos consultants possèdent une vaste expérience en design d'intérieur de différents types et goûts.

Départements de conseil
Mobilier de maison
Mobilier d'hôtel
Aménagement de restaurants
Interior Design
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Les conseillers les plus solides dans toutes les spécialités
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Interior decoration and furnishing consultations
We are committed to providing the highest level of professional standards, and providing the most professional consulting services in professional residential, commercial, industrial, hotel and interior design services.
We have experts who provide well-designed interior design consultations for residential and commercial projects, because our consultants have extensive experience in interior design of various types and tastes.

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Home furnishings
Hotel furniture
Furnishing restaurants
interior design
External design
The strongest advisors in all specialties
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أسئلة الشائعة استشارات الديكور الداخلي والتأثيث نحن ملتزمون بتقديم أعلى مستوى من المعايير المهنية، وتقديم الخدمات الاستشارية الأكثر احترافية في خدمات التصميم السكني والتجاري والصناعي والفندقي والداخلي الاحترافية. لدينا خبراء يقدمون استشارات التصميم الداخلي المصممة بشكل جيد للمشاريع السكنية والتجارية، لأن مستشارينا لديهم خبرة واسعة في التصميم الداخلي بمختلف أنواعه وأذواقه. الأقسام الاستشارية تأثيث المنزل أثاث الفندق تأثيث المطاعم ديكور تصميم داخلي التصميم الخارجي أقوى المستشارين في جميع التخصصات

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الآن 50 مستشار 12000 التشاور اتصل بنا تصفح موقعنا من نحن اتصل بنا سياسة الخصوصية الأسئلة الشائعة شزوط واشتراطات الاستخدام أقسام الاستشارة استشارات التصميم الرقمي -استشارات الديكور الداخلي والتأثيث --استشارات المبيعات والتسويق- استشارات إعلامية -استشارات هندسية- استشارات عائلية استشارات بيع وشراء السيارات -استشارات تعليمية -الاستشارات التعليمية استشارات -رواد الأعمال المشورة القانونية --استشارة مالية الاستشارات العقارية -

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لشركة الحلول الذاتية © 2020 سياسة الخصوصية الأسئلة الشائعة شزوط واشتراطات الاستخدام-

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